Are you...

  • Ready to start creating captivating and expressive large paintings 60 X 48 inches and bigger but unsure where to start?
  • Ready to explore the advantages of working on a grand scale, how larger artworks captivate the viewer’s attention and command the room?
  • Ready to embrace the exhilarating freedom that comes with painting on an expansive surface, unlocking freedom and looseness?

You have come to the right place!

We understand that stepping into the realm of creating larger abstract art can be daunting. Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to conquer your fears and create breathtakingly expressive artworks. Our mission is also to ignite your creative flame, banish your doubts, along with guiding you through every practical aspect of painting large. Our comprehensive course ensures that by its end, you’ll be a master of the “Larger, Wilder, Looser” approach -- producing art that not only speaks to your soul but captivates your viewers!

We have years of experience between us of painting large and will empower you to step into this world of boundless artistic freedom! We will help you:

    • Discover the compelling reasons behind choosing a larger surface for your abstract artworks and understand how size influences impact and the emotional resonance that comes with it.

    • Become familiar with the range of surfaces suitable for painting large, and how to set yourself up in your studio with them

    • Explore the range of brushes and tools, both conventional and unconventional that will enhance the wildness and looseness of your large paintings

    • Develop a mark making vocabulary that complements the scale of your larger paintings

    • Discover looser, wilder ways of starting a large painting and techniques of layering, working your way through to the end with confidence

    • Create bold and dynamic compositions on a larger scale

    • Learn how to evaluate your large-scale painting to determine when it’s finished

    • Navigate the final stages of your large-scale painting with finesse. Learn about varnishing and stretching your larger painting to perfection, assuring it’s readiness to grace any space

    • Gain valuable insights into storing, shipping and installing larger artworks

What the Course Includes

You have the benefit of 2 instructors, both of whom are very experienced in painting large and in leading workshops. Because we paint differently and use our materials differently you will have multiple perspectives on what we cover in the course.

The course is a self-paced online course designed to be completed in 4 weeks. It consists of video demonstrations, video discussions, and downloadable pdf handouts on practical topics associated with painting large. We also include membership in a private Facebook community where you can share your work, get your questions answered, and have discussions with like-minded artists.

We welcome all levels of artists, whether beginner, intermediate or advanced. Experience with acrylic paint is recommended.

We will explore========>>>

  • Why we want to paint large and what the benefits of painting large are

  • Surfaces suitable for painting large and how to use them

  • New tools, both conventional and unconventional, to enliven your large paintings

  • Developing a mark making vocabulary suitable to painting larger

  • Using color to establish mood and emotion in your larger paintings

  • Mediums to help extend your paint and create texture

  • Making looser, wilder starts

  • Techniques for building layers as you start to work through the painting

  • And much more! Each of us will show you how we work through a large painting in separate video demonstrations, sharing our thoughts and decision making process along the way. We will also share our thoughts on evaluating whether or not our large paintings are finished.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Larger, Wilder, Looser!

    • [To Do] Download Adobe Reader

    • How to Navigate the Learning Portal

    • [To Do] Join Our Private Facebook Group

    • Before we begin...

    • Looser Wilder Starts-Start II

  • 2


    • Welcome & Introduction: Why do We Want to Paint Larger?

    • Exercise 1: Tell Us Your Favorites

  • 3

    Module 1: Getting Started Painting Larger, Wilder, Looser

    • Surfaces for Painting Larger, Wilder, Looser

    • Factors to Consider When Stretching a Large Canvas

    • Factors to Consider When Using Unstretched Canvas

    • Setting Yourself Up - Julie

    • Setting Yourself Up - Cat

    • Tools: Brushes

    • Tools: Unconventional Painting Tools

    • Uncoventional Tools

    • Develop Your Mark Making Vocabulary for Painting Larger - Julie

    • Develop Your Mark Making Vocabulary for Painting Larger - Cat

    • Exercise 2: Develop Your Mark Making Vocabulary

    • Create a Color Mood Board - Julie

    • Create a Color Mood Board - Cat

    • Exercise 3: Create Your Color Mood Board

    • The Meaning Of Color

  • 4

    Module 2: Paint & Mediums

    • How Much Paint do you Need to Paint Large?

    • Mediums to Try - Julie

    • Mediums to Try - Cat

    • An Introduction to Acrylic Mediums and Additives

  • 5

    Module 3: Looser, Wilder Starts

    • Expert Guide to Composition

    • Exercise 4: Creating Thumbnail Sketches

    • Ways to Start

    • Ways to Start #1 - Julie

    • Ways to Start #2 - Julie

    • Ways to Start #3 - Julie

    • Ways to Start #1 - Cat

    • Ways to Start #2 - Cat

    • Ways to Start #3 - Cat

    • Point of View

    • Thoughts on Composition

    • Exercise 5: Create Your 3 Starts

  • 6

    Module 4: Building Layers

    • Techniques and Layering

    • Techniques and Layering

    • Building Layers - Julie

    • Building Layers - Cat

    • Exercise 6: Select Your Start & Add Layers

  • 7

    Module 5: Finishing & Evaluating Your Work

    • Finishing a Larger, Wilder, Looser Painting Part 1 - Julie

    • Finishing a Larger, Wilder, Looser Painting Part 2 - Julie

    • Finishing a Larger, Wilder, Looser Painting Part 3 - Julie

    • Finishing a Larger, Wilder, Looser Painting - Cat

    • Evaluating Your Work

    • Varnishing, Stretching, Storage, Shipping & Installation of Large Paintings

    • Checklist for Evaluating Your Work

    • Exercise 7: Finish & Evaluate Your Painting

    • Storage, Shipping and Installation of Large Paintings

  • 8


    • Varnishing 101

    • Varnishing 101

    • Building a Crate to Ship Your Large Painting

  • 9

    Next steps

    • Conclusion

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

Larger, Wilder, Looser includes:

  • • Larger, Wilder, Looser Abstract Painting Course [$797 Value]
  • • Private Facebook Community: Connect, share your work and interact with your fellow artists and instructors [$97 Value]
  • Varnishing 101: Everything You Need to Know About Varnishing Your Work [$150 Value]
  • How to Build a Crate to Ship Your Large Painting [$150 Value]
  • TOTAL VALUE = $1194


Professional Artist

Julie Schumer

Julie Schumer is a self-taught artist whose work is shown in galleries across the United States and is in many private collections. Julie lives and works in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has been teaching expressive painting workshops for a number of years and has found it thrilling to help painters learn new skills, gain confidence, and become excited about their painting journey. Now her courses are offered in an online format which enables those in distant lands to participate.

International Artist

Cat Tesla

Cat Tesla is an award-winning artist who is represented by galleries in the U.S. and U.K. Cat started teaching in-person workshops and due to the demand, began offering them online so that artists around the world could participate. Cat lives and works from her studio in North Port, FL. Tesla believes that anyone can be a great painter or establish a successful art business, they just need someone to show them how.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long will I have to finish the course?

    You will have full access to the course for 1 year and to the Facebook community for as long as you wish.

  • Do I have access to the entire course all at once?

    Yes! We encourage you to work through the course in order since that's how it was designed and will make more sense that way.

  • Can I view modules that interest me?

    You can watch the course in any order you wish! However, keep in mind there are several exercises that build on previous exercises, so jumping ahead may be confusing.

  • What do I do if I have technical issues accessing the course?

    If you have technical issues getting into the course: Send Julie and Cat an email to [email protected] and we will resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

  • What is your refund policy?

    Upon request, you will receive a full, no-questions-asked refund within 7 days of starting the course.

By the end of this course, you will have completed:

  • Part I

    • Discover and articulate why it is you want to paint large and what the benefits of doing so are • Explore surfaces suitable for painting large and how you can set yourself up using them • Learn about brushes and unconventional painting tools that will enhance your large creations • Discover and develop your signature marks, learning how to expand them on a larger surface

  • Part II

    • Learn about extending your paint to cover a larger area with various mediums • Discover the importance of point of view in the context of large paintings • Explore the importance of active negative space in a large painting • Explore different wilder and looser ways to start a large painting

  • Part III

    • Learn techniques for building layers on a large painting • Complete a large painting • Learn how to evaluate if your painting is finished • Explore varnishing, stretching, storing, shipping and installing a large painting

Course Supply List

Check out the Course Supply List to see if you already have what you need for this course:  Larger Wilder Looser Supply List.pdf

7-Day Money Back Guarantee

[Cancel anytime during the first 7 days of the course (counting from the date of your first course sign-in) and receive a full refund. No questions asked.]