Boldly Abstract
This Course will provide you with the tools to tap into your own inner boldness, strengthen your painting voice, and paint fearlessly using acrylic paints and drawing tools.
Interested in expanding your repertoire of materials and tools to enliven your work?
Looking to energize your work with your own, unique, bold signature marks?
Confused about what makes a dynamic composition?
Needing to loosen up your paintings?
Wanting to strengthen your own distinctive painting voice while at the same time quieting your inner critic?
We understand!We have decades of painting experience between us and have much knowledge, tools, and techniques to share in guiding you to a greater understanding of yourself as a painter and how you can achieve your painting vision. We will help you:
First and foremost, this Course includes the benefit of having two instructors, both of whom are very experienced painters and workshop leaders. You will have the benefit of multiple perspectives on the various topics covered.
Boldly Abstract is designed to be completed in 6 weeks. It is a self-paced online course consisting of pre-recorded studio demonstrations, video talks, and bonus downloadable PDFs delivered in a password protected virtual classroom. The course is divided into different learning modules divided by subject.
The Course also includes:We will explore======>
What is means to paint boldly abstract
How to approach your painting with a useful mindset to encourage growth in your process
How to accept and develop your own unique voice and trust your own creative intelligence
New materials and tools and setting up your studio space
Ways of starting a painting to encourage boldness
What your signature marks are and how you can increase their boldness
The fundamentals of color and how you can use color to create harmonious paintings and reduce color chaos that detracts from your paintings
And much more! We will give you an insider’s view of how we each go about creating a painting in start to finish video demonstrations in which we reveal our individual thought and decision making process as we go along.
[To Do] Download Adobe Reader
How to Navigate the Learning Portal
[Watch] Meet Your Instructors
[To Do] Join Our Private Facebook Group
[Fill In] Before we begin. . .
[Read] Course Supply List
[Read] Setting up Your Studio Space
[Watch] Materials to Buy and What They Can Do
[On Your Own] Experimenting with Drawing Tools Challenge
[Watch] Less Conventional Painting Tools
[Watch] How to Make a Stay-Wet Palette
[Watch] Automatic Drawing
[Watch] Finding Your Signature Style
[Watch] Defining Your Signature Marks
[On Your Own] Signature Marks and Style Challenge
[Watch] Your Mindset, What is Boldness, and Finding Your Voice
[Watch] What is Abstraction?
[Read] Abstraction, Boldness, Mindset, & Style
[Watch] Going Bolder with Your Signature Marks
[Watch] Making Bolder Marks from the Body
[Watch] Making Bolder Marks Behind Your Back
[Watch] Energize Your Work with Rhythm and Repetition
[Watch] Making Bolder Marks with an Unconventional Tool (Julie)
[Watch] Making Bolder Marks with an Unconventional Tool (Cat)
[On Your Own] Making Bolder Marks Challenge
[Read] BONUS #1: Expert Guide to Mark Making
[Watch] Color Relationships and Key Concepts
[Watch] How to Harmonize Your Palette
[Watch] Mixing Neutrals
[Watch] Mixing Whites
[Watch] Mixing Blacks
[Watch] The Value of Value
[Watch] Practice Using a Harmonized Palette and Make More Colors
[On Your Own] Create a Harmonized Palette Challenge
[On Your Own] Create 2 Paintings Using a Harmonized Palette Challenge
[Read] BONUS #2: Expert Guide on Color
[Read] What Makes a Bold Composition
[Watch] Starting a Painting with Automatic Drawing
[Watch] Starting a Painting with Line: Angular and Curvilinear
[Watch] Starting a Painting with Line: Letters and Repetition of a Number
[Watch] Starting a Painting with Larger Shapes to Smaller Shapes
[Watch] Eye Flow and Dividing Space with Julie
[Watch] Eye Flow and Dividing Space with Cat
[Watch] Flux and Obliteration with Julie
[Watch] Flux and Obliteration with Cat
[On Your Own] Pick a Start Painting Challenge
[Watch] Implied vs. Overt Painting Structures
[Watch] Choosing a Painting Structure with Cat
[Watch] Choosing a Painting Structure with Julie
[Read] BONUS #3: Expert Guide to Painting Structures
[On Your Own] Pick a Structure Painting Challenge
[Watch] Opposites Attract with Julie
[Watch] Opposites Attract with Cat
[Read] List of Opposites
[On Your Own] Opposites Attract Challenge
[Watch] How to Fix a Dud
[Read] How to Fix a Dud Painting
[Read] When is a Painting Finished?
[Watch] Painting in a Series
[Read] Painting in a Series
[On Your Own] Painting in a Series Challenge
[Watch] Now it's YOUR Turn to Paint Boldly Abstract!
[Watch] Painting Boldly Abstract: Start to Finish with Julie
[Watch] Painting Boldly Abstract: Start to Finish with Cat
[On Your Own] Putting it all Together Painting Challenge
Varnishing, Finishing, & Storing Your Works
[Watch] Congratulations!
More Resources for You
Before You Go
2 x $352.00
Pay in 2 Monthly Payments
Julie Schumer
Cat Tesla
You will have full access to the course for 1 year and to the Facebook community for as long as you wish.
Yes! We encourage you to work through the course in order since that's what we'll be discussing on the Zoom calls.
You can watch the course in any order you wish! However, keep in mind there are several exercises that build on previous exercises, so jumping ahead may be confusing.
If you have technical issues getting into the course: Send Julie and Cat an email to [email protected] and we will resolve your issue as quickly as possible.
Upon request, you will receive a full, no-questions-asked refund within 7 days of starting the course.
Discover your own unique style of mark making and explore how to make your marks bolder • Learn innovative ways to make unique marks in your paintings • Energize your work with rhythm and repetition • Explore the fundamentals of color, how to work with values to embolden your paintings, how to harmonize a palette, mix neutrals, blacks, whites and how to create a 4 color harmonized palette • Create 2 paintings using a harmonized palette
Learn 6 ways to start a painting • Paint 4+ paintings in multiple ways • Create bold, dynamic compositions • Learn the 10 structures that all paintings have • Use different structures to organize your painting • Develop your work using flux and obliteration as a way to layer and create depth and interest
Learn how to fix your dud paintings (we all have some) • Understand the importance of working on multiple paintings to create a series • Create the first 3 paintings of a new series • Complete a “Boldly Abstract” painting on a large canvas • Learn how to determine if your painting is finished • Learn about varnishing, finishing, and storing your work
Check out the Course Supply List to see if you already have what you need for this course: Boldly Abstract Supply List -FINAL.pdf